Sure, you could pay out the ass for your porn, or you could check out the best porn tubes and get your fap on for free. I know when it comes down to it, I’m forever going to prefer to go the free route. For one, obviously I prefer not to spend money and use it for other things. But I also like not having chares show up on my bank statements that I have to explain to my wife. I don’t know how some of you all do it. I don’t care how discreet a company is, if there’s a recurring charge, my old lady will sniff that shit out in a heartbeat.
So when I want to slip away and jerk off to hot adult videos, I tune in to the Fapster porn tube and settle in for what I know is going to be a ton of fun.
Here the videos are so hot I know I’ll always find something that is going to leave me with a smile on my face. Not only are there a ton of videos, but it’s easy to find what you’re looking for. You can browse through a ton of categories, check out new content, search through the models, or my personal favorite option is the random tab to see what the fates of fap decide.